Equipping Evangelists for
South Africa

If your heart burns to reach South Africa with the Gospel, then a FIRE CAMP is just the thing for you. CfaN is hosting these camps for young evangelists. The aim is to equip evangelists for South Africa and the world. Because the harvest is ripe!

Together with 50 – 100 young evangelists, we’ll be defining the gifting and role of an evangelist in modern times and bringing that to life. We believe that the time is now!

For more information about registration, please note the following:

The Fire Camp Vision

We’re focusing on deepening on our own relationship with Jesus. That’s why we’ll be having personal time with Him every day, learning to be sensitive to His voice and leading. A major emphasis is placed on grounding our identity and self-worth in what He thinks about us, so we’re no longer controlled by the fear of man.

We hope, too, that every participant will experience what it is to be in a family. The Kingdom of God is a family, which is why we will eat together, have fun as a family together, and talk about the dreams God has laid on our hearts. We will encourage each other. What we want is for deep and lasting friendships to form during this time. We believe that God will bring about something new for the future of South Africa through these friendships.

The main goal of the FIRE CAMPS is to help each participant to grow in their evangelistic gifts. We will have teaching modules on the Holy Spirit and the Great Commission, and on the role of the evangelist in the local and worldwide church.

But we don’t just want to talk about the Holy Spirit, the gifts of the Spirit or evangelism. We want to create a culture of evangelism. We will have regular outreaches in the nearby towns and regions. We want to invite the Holy Spirit to work through us on the streets.

The FIRE CAMP is not so much about speakers and seminars but is rather a focus on Jesus. Our lives will be deeply impacted by the presence of God, and our hearts forever changed.

If your heart beats for the lost in South Africa, then get in touch!

Who will teach?

We will have a wonderful team of speakers and leaders, who carry a burning heart to see young people activated into the Great Commission. Some will be well-known. Some will not be. But all of them carry in unique ways, the fire of the Holy Spirit.

Who can apply?

Anyone aged 14 and up, who has a sincere heart to see the Lost in South Africa and around the world come into a real relationship with Jesus.

How can I apply? :

If you feel that the Holy Spirit is speaking to you as you read this information, please fill out the application form (see below). Unfortunately, we only have about 50 – 100 places available, so we cannot accept everybody. After your application is received, we will contact you as soon as possible. Payment of the retreat fee is only required after confirmation of your attendance.

  • Fill out the application form and send it in
  • Wait for the confirmation email
  • After receiving confirmation, complete the payment process

South African FireCamps

International FireCamps

Find out about FireCamps in other parts of the world.

Fire Camp


What a privilege it has been

I was going to the FireCamp with a lot on my mind, seeking to grow in evangelism but also to hear from God, regarding my calling, my ministry and the future so to speak. I came prepared and expectant and was not disappointed.

It was powerful to see/learn the importance of allowing the Holy Spirit to move and to be in ‘sync’ with your team member going 2×2. Both had to trust the leading of the Holy Spirit in each other to ‘lead’ and ‘follow’ at different times or the enemy would have tried for souls to be lost. What a privilege it has been. Thank you CfaN!

Christel Long (South Africa)

Jesus has blessed my obedience

Ever since the FireCamp Pietermaritzburg, The Lord has been more real to me, just from a single act of obedience. I stepped out in faith regardless of my financial strain, regardless of my demanding retail job.

I have also wondered how will I be able to do the works of the Lord, how will I start? The opportunity came about, and I jumped right in. The Lord Jesus has blessed my obedience. I was blessed with a Permanent Position in the same retail industry. I know God has more in store for me, and I am trusting and believing to work for the Lord full time as a young Evangelist.

Candice Zwane (South Africa)

Young families in ministry

There were several families who came to Fire Camp together with their small children. That’s something that shouldn’t be unusual. If you’re married with kids, ministry is not a one-person thing. The whole family has to be involved. So, taking time like this as a family, to concentrate on the Lord and be obedient to His leading, is vital. For us, it was a special opportunity to have fellowship with other young families in ministry, to encourage each other and build each other up.

Lukas Repert (Germany)

Preaching without fear

It is so beautiful what God accomplished in us during Fire Camp. I was originally only a participant, but then I had the opportunity and privilege to serve others. And I got to do that here in my home city! It was especially amazing to me see how we young women were preaching without fear, without any worries about what people might think. And then to see people, young people, saying, “Yes, yes, yes!” to Jesus… It was incredible. I know this is only the start. I believe we will see it more and more, all over Europe.

Daniela (Austria)

An incredible sense of family

It was amazing to get together with people from all these different countries in Europe who share the same passion for God and for people. There was an incredible sense of family – we’re not alone anymore. We stand together, carrying out our calling together. It’s not only about doing outreaches as a team, but about being able to share with and encourage each other afterwards.

Sunny (Austria)

Partner with CfaN

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